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Care Recruitment Crisis – Why Is It Hard To Find And Keep Employees In The Care Industry?

Home care providers are facing a recruitment crisis that is larger than ever before. More than 100,000 vacancies are open across the care recruitment industry, and staff turnover is estimated to be in the region of 30 per cent and trending upwards. The shortage and high staff turnover of care workers are happening at a time when people increasingly need care services.

Why Is There A Shortage Of Care Industry Workers?

Care recruitment companies have experienced rapid and excessive growth over the last 12 months as the demand for their services has surged because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Staffing issues have been impacted by many factors, one of them being the COVID vaccination status of workers.

Dr Jane Townson, CEO of the UK Home Care Association (UKHCA), commented that “Our worry is that the care worker shortages are the worst anyone can remember, and we’re then going to add on top of that a further loss to the sector of people that, for whatever reason at the moment, don’t want to be vaccinated”.

Pay Conditions

Another major factor in the crisis is the low pay conditions. Low wages are a significant factor to blame for the high rate of employees joining the industry and leaving just as quickly.

To end the recruitment crisis, the government must start treating staff with the respect they deserve starting off with their pay reflecting their skills, dedication, and duties. We checked and found the average salary for a home care assistant is £21,000. For a more accurate and personalised salary, head to their website and input your role title and area.

Read What Are The Duties, Tasks, And Skills To Include In Job Descriptions.

Long Hours

The long hours have pushed care workers out of the industry to better opportunities and working environments elsewhere. The only long-term solution to stop this crisis is to provide better wages and conditions for the whole sector.

Dr Kris Owden, Managing Director of Caremark Aylesbury and Wycombe, said, “For us to be in this position before the winter before the Christmas period is terrifying.” He adds that an adequately resourced care system would lift pressure off the NHS. To achieve this goal, carers need better pay, a proper career structure, and crucially, recognition of their skills to reduce staff turnover.

How To Recruit Staff For Your Healthcare Organisation

If you are a health care provider and struggling to recruit and retain the staff you need. We recommend you head to our job description examples. Our templates are a great starting point to attracting the right candidates, and you can also tailor the descriptions to best suit your business…

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