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Advertising on Reed
Questioning Techniques

Reed boasts an impressive 177,000 listed jobs in the UK job market, with thousands added every day. Tens of thousands of employers use Reed due to the large UK reach and extensive CV Database. The services offered are attractive, with various perks included.

“I want to advertise on Reed”

Reed offers a Premium Job Advert, with two tiers of addons for extra perks. The Premium Advert includes:

  • Screening questions to filter applicants faster
  • You will receive applications straight to your inbox
  • Your advert will be included in job alert emails
  • You can include your company logo and a link to a customised company profile on the advert

What perks does Reed offer?

As an employer, you can upgrade your Premium Job advert with some perks. A Premium+ Job advert, along with everything already offered, also emails your job advert to 100 of the best-matching candidates. Meanwhile, the Featured Job is Reed’s top offering. Along with all the perks already listed above, the Featured Job will email 250 of the best-matching candidates, as well as adding a fully branded, custom banner to your advert. Your advert will also be listed at the top of job searches. Finally, Reed also offers access to their CV Database, which is 12 million CV’s strong. Access is gained via a subscription. Reed offers the most flexible CV Database access, providing daily, weekly, and monthly subscriptions.

Writing the best job advert

When using a premium job advertising service, it is best to know how to make the most of it. Writing the best possible job advert is key here. Listed below is the important information to include on a job advert:

  • Job title. Ensure it is clear and concise, avoiding industry jargon
  • A job description that clearly lays out the job’s responsibilities and skills
  • Is the job permanent, temporary, part-time, or contract?
  • What is the salary rate?
  • Where is the job located?
  • Contact details of your company
  • Type: General Job Board

  • Jobs Advertised: 177,000

  • Number of users:

    • 125,300 registered UK candidates
    • 38,000 employers
    • 12 million CVs
  • Prices:
    • Premium Job Advert from £150

    • Premium+ Job Advert from £175

    • CV Database Subscription; daily, weekly, and monthly plans available

Telephone: 0845 241 9293

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